The Poppy Store (to see complete catalogue ie: uniforms and awards, an individual sign-in with the Poppy Store is required) alternative is to look in Legion Catalogue
BC Yukon Command Legion Foundation
Legion National Headquarters (Dominion Command)
ABLE BC (Alliance of Beverage Licensees)
Veterans Affairs Canada ( VAC )
Local contact for Last Post Fund Ted Usher (Comox Valley etc.)
The Legion National Foundation
- Department of National Defence mental health services
- Veterans Affairs Canada mental health services
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police mental health services
- RCMP Support for Operational Stress Injury Program
- Canadian Armed Forces – Transition Group (CAF TG)
- Operational Stress Injury Social Support ( OSISS )
- Soldier On
- Veterans Transition Network
- COPE Program (Couples Overcoming PTSD Everyday)
- VETS Canada
- Wounded Warriors Canada
- Wounded Warrior Run BC