Everything about Poppy and Remembrance from Dominion website
Link to Military Service Recognition Books
Link to National Youth Remembrance Contest Page
2024 Poppy Campaign
Presentation of the First Poppy to the Governor General for 2024 will be held in person on
Wednesday, October 16th.
In British Columbia, the Presentation of the First Poppy will take place on Tuesday, October
22nd at 10:00am PST to British Columbia’s Lieutenant Governor.
In accordance with Section 303 of the Poppy Manual, Branches may organize their own First
Poppy presentations to local Government Authorities/Mayors any time after 10:00am PST on
October 22nd. Please ensure the proper protocol is followed in your community when scheduling
Poppy Presentations to Mayors and Councils.
Distribution of Poppies to the public may commence on Friday, October 25, as this is the official
opening of the 2024 Campaign. As always, the Campaign will conclude on November 11th.
Link to National Legion Debrief about the Poppy Campaign
BC Yukon Memo 31.24 – 2024 Poppy, Wreath, and Promotional Material Price Lists

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Memorial Banners
During the Remembrance period, a growing number of Legion Branches are partnering with their communities to develop street banners to honour and memorialize local Veterans who died in service or passed away. To support the Branch Memorial Banner programs, the Legion is pleased to announce that new Memorial Banner templates are available for Branches to download and customize to pay tribute to Veterans who came from your community.
The templates are available in a variety of designs and official languages options and include memorial designs that can feature a local Veteran, plus generic designs with a Remembrance message. Instructions are included for customizing the banners with the Veteran’s photo, name, details of service and the branch of the Canadian Armed Forces in which they served. All banners include space for the Legion Branch logo as well as for a partner/sponsor logo.
Download your templates today and fill your community with memorials to Veterans who called it home.
- Banner instructions (PDF file)
- Adobe fonts Basic Sans Bold & Semibold
- Memorial Banner option 1: Circular Veteran photo (PDF file) (InDesign file)
- Memorial Banner option 2: Square Veteran photo (PDF file) (InDesign file)
- Remembrance Banner option 3: Poppy only – Bilingual English on top (PDF file) (InDesign file)
- Remembrance Banner option 4: Poppy only – Bilingual French on top (PDF file) (InDesign file)
- Remembrance Banner option 5: Poppy only – English (PDF file) (InDesign file)
- Remembrance Banner option 6: Poppy only – French (PDF file) (InDesign file)